Sunday 25 October 2015

Halloween & Bump Update

                                                       Photograph: We Heart It App       

Evening, just a little one before I get myself into bed! I hope you have enjoyed your weekend :)

Bump update: I am experiencing a fair amount of cramps, aches and goodness knows what, I also feel like I weigh 1000 tonnes. Not to worry though, I know tiny lady is growing all strong in there and we are very excited to meet her soon. I can't help but smile (after wincing with the pain) when I see her leg/elbow come out and make a bump in the side of my tummy. Little one obviously wants to escape so she can have a cuddle with us! I love her already, we both do. It's such a nice feeling knowing she has grown strong because of me. If I get tiger stripes down the line then I know I will have earned them and I will be proud of them. I am excited to meet her! :) My little fluffy penguin is excited to meet his sister! 

                                                            Instagram: @rosyarabella

It feels so much like winter outside now and I'm actually getting excited because the air feels very Christmassy!! Yayyyy! The one good thing about winter time. And the snowmen of course if the snow decides to turn up this year. How exciting! 

Halloween is next though and I've been enjoying seeing all of the funny decorations in the shops already. I remember I used to dress up as a cat most years and my sister was always the witch. I used to love picking up a broomstick from Wilkos for our Halloween parties. Shame I can't go to anything like that this year, but I will enjoy seeing photos of other people having a fun time dressing up and partying. I will probably be home watching a film with my puppy. That's good enough for me :)

I not a big fan of fireworks purely because of the BANGS! I may see if I can see any out of my window though, that might be nice being all cosy and watching the pretty colours :)

What do you like most about the change in season at this time of year? Halloween? Bonfire night? Christmas? 

Saturday 24 October 2015

Pretty Beach Lantern

Instagram: @rosyarabella

Hey! Hope you have been having a nice weekend even though it is all rainy outside! I've spent a lot of my time since being out of hospital all cosy and wrapped up indoors, but I was taken into my local village today to get a few cute things for my home. I got all sorts of lovely things and I'm really excited to set them up and decorate my spaces with the things I bought. I got plenty of beach themed things for my bathroom, one of which I'm going to show you right now as I have absolutely fallen in love with it! (I managed to grab the last one!) ;)

Here it is, the sweetest little lantern box I have ever seen! I found it in the bathroom section of a shop called B&M. It sells some really cute things for home decor and to be honest, most of my wall plaques and decorative stickers have come from their shop. I highly recommend B&M for putting the finishing touches on your bedroom or home if you have one. I picked this cutie up for £3.99.

I think it is just so adorable, so does Alfie by the looks of him in the photograph below, hehe! :)

I have put it in my bathroom on the shelf which is level to my bath so I will be able to light my cinnamon and apple candle and watch it while I have my lovely calm bubble baths at night time. I also have a starfish and some other cute bits and bobs in my bathroom (it is my most relaxing room) and I plan on doing a mini bathroom tour blog post in the coming week because I am so proud of it! :) 

Do you have any favourite shops for little bits and bobs? Let me know in the comments :)

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Beauty Bits & Bobs - TAG

Photograph: WeHeartIt App

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Straight with a little bit of a beach wave thang going on :)

2. What is your natural hair colour?
When I was born I was very light blonde right the way up until I was about 15 I was too, but it's got darker over the years and I am now a medium brown without hair dye.

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
I usually dye my hair myself. This habit started when I had pink hair back in 2012/2013!

4. How often do you wash your hair?
Usually about twice a week but during pregnancy I haven't had to wash it that much, it usually lasts about a week without looking too gross lool

5. Do you wear the same style every day or change it?
My favourite thing to wear are high-waisted jeans and a floaty top with flip flops or jelly shoes, but they aren't always weather appropriate! Plus I wouldn't want my round belly hanging out of a crop top just yet SO I usually wear a nice comfy pear of jeggings or black new look leggings along with a nice top, or more prodominently in recent times, my boyfriend's tshirts :)  

6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I actually have never ever had a manicure or a pedicure.... Am I even a girl?! I do however love to paint my own fingernails and toenails even though they aren't very long. My all time fave colour for nail varnish is baby pink! 

7. How often to you change your nail polish?
Well this is a difficult one as recently times have changed! It used to be that I would not leave the house without making sure I had no chips and a beautiful colour on my nails BUT more recently, I have been painting them when I have visitors or I feel like I can reach my toes for just about long enough to splat a blob of pink on there!

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer?
All year round but I tend to match it towards the seasons! In summer I love bright colours such as pink and purple, but last winter I had baby blue sparkly nails right through until January. I watched the film Frozen and got inspired! ;)

9. How long does it take to put on your makeup?
Oh gosh, not long at all. I love the natural look so I use natural mineral foundation and a matching powder, then eye brow pencil and a long lasting Rimmel, extra smooth mascara. I also adore brightly coloured lipstick, so with all of those things it would take me no longer than 10 minutes to get completely happy with it! :)

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
Face face face. Or when you put the powder on you smush mascara everywhere lol. I did figure this out the hard way! :)

11. Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
To be honest it is different for each product. I collect nail varnishes without a doubt! But things such as foundation and mascara so come as and when I need a new one. I do really love looking at make up collections in different shops though. I would buy more if I see something unusual or something which pops out at me, such as a glittery lipstick as a treat! 

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Never have and probably never will. Let's just say I know some people who wear them and I personally, think it looks awful. They're clompy and fake looking, not to mention they must be super uncomfortable! Plus I am a really happy girly when it comes to my eyelashes, they are thick and long so I don't do anything other than a tiny bit of mascara. :)

13. Do you do a full face of makeup every day?
I nearly always do the basics, only some days I wear lipstick now because I prefer to be able to kiss my boyfriend without making him look like a clown! I will wear foundation, small amount of powder, eye brow pencil and mascara on a day to day basis.

14. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone (or with family)?
Yes usually just so I feel nice if someone comes around to visit me, but I do enjoy that moment where you yank a face wipe out of the packet and smother your face in freshness!

15. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yes, I have absolutely no problem with my face without makeup, I just enjoy lightly decorating myself! ;)

16. How many high end products do you have?
I would say nothing to be honest, I always go for fair prices and good products. I like to try and test the little brands and I usually come up feeling very pleased. I currently am a big fan of the Natural Collection in boots, where all their make up products are amazingly priced and do everything I could ever ask for! 

17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
Not as often as I should probably, but I do tend to replace them once they get a bit frayed :)

18. Do you plan your dazzling club attire way before the night or decide when you are getting dressed?
If I am going on a fancy night out one of my favourite things to do is try on lots of different outfits including dresses and high heels, or high waisted jeans and various crop tops. My absolute favourite thing to wear on a night out is my metallic high waisted skirt and my long sleeves black velvet crop top. I so can't wait to fit into that outfit again!! Eek!

19. How often do you change your handbag?
Oh my goodness, I am addicted to handbags. I have quite a few designer handbags from the likes of Lipsy, Jimmy Choo, Ted Baker and Juicy Couture. These special bags I acquire once in a blue moon or as a gift and I absolutely love them to pieces! I am obsessed! 

20. What time do you get up & go to sleep?
I am usually in bed by 10:30pm and asleep by about 11.30pm.

21. How often & when do you workout?
I don't even lift bro. Unless lifting myself out the bath counts??

22. Left-handed or Right-handed?
I am left handed :)

23. How tall are you?

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
I know some French, some Spanish, some German and some Chav.

25. How many pets do you have?
I have a rabbit called Oscar and a chihuahua called Alfred :)

26. How often are you on Blogger?
I check it multiple times a day, I love it. 

27. Do you read the comments posted on other blogs?
Yeah, I do I find it interesting to see feedback :)

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Yes I do actually have a little book where I write ideas in! :) 

29. How did you come up with your blog name?
I used my online name that is all as it sounds quite pretty! :)

30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
I use my Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

31. What is your favourite colour?
Pink, beautiful pink :) but I do also love lilac and I painted my bedroom that colour!

Rosie Lily xo

Monday 19 October 2015

Anxiety & 800 Views

Instagram - @rosyarabella

Hey :)

Today has been one of those days where going out just isn't a thing, however duvet and Netflix have been very real. As I'm sat here I'm having doubts about writing these things down for anyone to see as they are very personal and leave me feeling quite vulnerable. Although, as most of you know, through YouTube and blogging I have always been very honest and open in a hope to help others come to terms with their mental health. Still, my heart pounds and my palms are clamming up slightly while I type this. Something shocking happened on my doorstep which has left me feeling like an egg shell that is just seconds from having too much pressure applied and close to cracking. I won't go into too many details as the people who need to know already do, but lets just say it involved an awful lot of fire and explosions. The image in my head is still very vivid and I keep jumping when I hear noises that I didn't expect. I find myself wide-eyed looking out the window to check nothing is happening, and my sleep has been a bit disturbed. (Not by baba this time!)

It is safe to say I am in complete shock at the moment but I have my nurse coming to talk things through and to get everything off my chest, so I am feeling hopeful that my high anxiety and panic attacks will subside again once she has visited me. I have been doing so well and I am so proud of myself for making a life for my little family and me. I am so excited for the future when we have little baby girl in our arms and I know that I will be strong for her. To be honest, even with the description I wrote above about what happened, I'm pretty sure anybody would be feeling the way I do right now so I'm trying not to blame myself too much for feeling like I do. Has anything ever happened in your life that has just left you feeling so shaken up and panicky? Oh gosh I hope I can move on soon.

Instagram - @rosyarabella

Onto a slightly more positive note, I am absolutely adoring my beautiful flat. It really feels like I am finally home and I am so excited for what is on the horizon. When baby girl is here (her name is still a secret) she will have such a lovely place to start her life in and I'm feeling very grateful to those of you who got splattered with paint helping us! :)

In my bedroom I have some absolutely lovely things including my vintage style white dressing table along with floral stool! I love it so much and I sit at it every morning to do my hair and make-up. It also holds most of my hair bows and other bits and bobs which I will show you sometime. Just looking around my room makes me feel so happy and cheery and I can't help but smile when I see the cot that my boyfriend built in the corner next to our bed. I know soon she will be wriggling around in that instead of my tummy! Hehe!

Instagram - @rosyarabella

So I thank you for taking the time to read this, my blog has been active for just under 4 weeks now and it has just reached 800 post views so I am feeling like I am getting my creative life back on track - who knows, videos soon? Also, my personalised blog design will be active tomorrow! :) 

I wish you all a happy and safe Monday evening, I shall be spending it reading a nice book and having a hot bubble bath.

Rosie Lily xo

Saturday 17 October 2015

Bump Update & Home Sweet Home


Evening friends, it's been a few days since I posted as I have been unwell again! Anyway, who would have thought growing a tiny human would be easy?? It isn't! My body doesn't feel like it's mine anymore, it will all be worth it when she arrives though, I know that much :)

My tummy is super round and heavy now. She is about 4lbs and my back sure feels it! I have been having lots of hot bubbly baths to ease my back ache. She loves wiggling around when I poor bubbles and water from the bath over my bump. I enjoy talking to her and it makes me smile so much when I see my tummy move because she's wiggling around in there, probably sucking her thumb! So cute. 


I have spent a few days in bed on and off because I've been feeling very weak, even a shopping trip to town makes me very achy and tired at the moment! I am learning that I have to take things a bit slower during this trimester as my body is changing all the time to grow my princess. I enjoy sitting in bed with my dog watching The Office (one of my favourite go-to programmes). 

The flat is now finished! Yay!! It has been months and months of hard work and patience but it is finally looking gorgeous and homely! I've been loving having my friends come to visit. :)


Next week I am having a bump painting done on my tummy, something I've wanted to have done for a few months now so I'm very excited for that! I will get some lovely photos of it :)

Baby has the most adorable nursery, I can't wait to see her playing in it with us. I am so excited for Christmas, I just have to get through the next 7 weeks! 

Rosie Lily xo

Saturday 10 October 2015

Coral Clothes & Pretty Bows

Hey, just thought I would share with you a little snippet of my coral outfit and accessories. During my summer I have been hit and miss when it comes to finding clothes that fit me for a decent amount of time. Although I love my summer dresses, and I happily wore them for months on end - they eventually would no longer fit comfortably over my tummy!

My most comfortable outfit choice during my second trimester was the simple look of a pretty summer mini dress and a pair of white or black ankle length leggings. Of course to top if off my infamous jelly shoes were a fave but I also gave into flip flops for the majority of summer 2015.

Hair wise, my lovely new thick, healthy looking locks were accompanied by a selection of pretty flower hair clips, along with flower crowns some days and my all time favourites - pretty bows! I get my hair accessories mainly from Claire's and a bow usually costs about £3. They are in my hair every single day with my side fringe so they are worth every penny!

My handbag also got a makeover in the sense that I treated myself to a new coral coloured purse after having a scraggy purse for many years! Got this one for £4 in the New Look summer sale.... Love it! :)

Now I am in my third trimester, unfortunately these clothes do not fit around my growing baba BUT I will be slipping straight back into them once I have had baby, and once my tummy goes down a little - fingers crossed! In the mean time I have done a little more shopping (bargains only) so I am once again comfy in some larger size clothes! :)

What is your favourite summer outfit?

Rosie Lily xo

Friday 9 October 2015

My Instagram



I am a big fan of Instagram and I absolutely love scrolling through different collections of photos from people who I choose to follow. I also post on my own account multiple times daily so why not give my new account a follow? :) @rosyarabella


I think Instagram is the nicest way to share memories and it makes me really happy to scroll back and look at the moments that I have chosen to capture. I also really enjoy searching tags and seeing what other people choose to post :)

I find it a very calming and refreshing app to use and it is often the first thing I look at when I pick up my phone. 


Which social networking app do you like the most? :)

Rosie Lily xo 

Pastel Pinks & Resting


I haven't posted for about a week as I have been so busy sorting the house out for our pending arrival. I have also been quite ill due to pregnancy changes and have been stuck in bed feeling very week. I am now making sure I take things a lot slower than I have been. I'm just not able to do everything I could a few months ago, even a day out in town with my friends is a struggle after a while and I need to nap when I get back home! 


I had a trip to hospital Sunday evening. All is okay but was on a monitor and was feeling very under the weather. I have antibiotics now which I'm hoping takes some of this weak feeling away so I can enjoy the next few months. :)

I am also excited to say I was able to treat myself to some clothes and shoes that actually fit me! I got some cute lilac jelly shoes (my favourites) and then some little pastel blue flowery dolly shoes which I absolutely adore! I also got some two new pairs of leggings and a pastel pink woolly jumper! These will hopefully last me until I can fit into my old clothes again comfortably :) 

We also got little one's first teddy bear which is a Minnie Mouse from the Disney store. We are going to give it to her on Christmas Day :)

Rosie Lily xo

Friday 2 October 2015

Tiny Leggings & Nursery


I went on one of the sweetest shopping trips ever today, I will be doing a full shop by shop baby clothes haul post/video in the coming days. The rest of our furniture is being delivered tomorrow and I am SO excited!! :)) 

I fell in love with these tiny leggings (Primark) since before I even knew I was having a girl. I have some the exact same just significantly bigger so they were one of the things I was most excited to get hold of! I think baby girl leggings are just so sweet and they are going to be really comfy for her to spend most her time in. I have stocked up on around 12 pairs of different coloured leggings and I can't wait to meet her and put her in them :)

Since being pregnant (and rather round) the only thing I feel comfy in are human sized leggings so I have gotten to know just how enjoyable they are to wear. They feel like you're wearing pyjamas basically! PERFECT!

The nursery is looking oh so pink and cute! I am very proud of how things are all coming together. Hard work and determination pays off :)

Rosie Lily xo

Thursday 1 October 2015

Crunchy Leaves & Growing Tummy


Hello October, hello friends!

I can't believe it's this time of year already... It seems like the summer weather has only just got started from where I'm sat! Will soon be time to get a nice new scarf and pair of gloves ready for the crisper weather. I have already dug my pink winter coat out from storage and washed it so it is all fresh and ready for when the time comes to put it on. I have to say, I am rather excited to cuddle in front of the fire place though, with a hot chocolate and my fluffy socks on! :)

Autumn can be so pretty too, the rusty colours and crunchy leaves all look so lovely in their own way. Summer is full of bright, exciting colours but winter brings with it an almost magical feeling. 

For the first time in many years I am actually looking forward to Christmas this year! All I want is for my new little family to be together and be happy around the fire place. I am excited to find a Christmas tree and decorate the flat with lots of sparkly things! But before that can happen we have to get through this month and next month, and then pop baba out! 

I'm struggling to sleep very well at the moment because my bump is getting bigger and my body feels very trapped and achy at night. I love my bubble baths but even those don't help with the extra weight I'm now carrying. At least we know she is growing all big and strong so I don't mind :)

Those are the things that I'm most looking forward to this time of year. I really hope someone wants to host a non alcoholic Halloween party because I bet I could pull off painting my tummy to look like a pumpkin!

Rosie Lily xo