Tuesday 15 December 2015

5 Relaxation Tips & Mini Update

Hey friends! So some exciting things have been going on - I've had Coral! She is 9 days old today and currently snuggled in my left arm. She has been keeping me VERY busy as she is so sweet and cute! Hehe :) I had her after being induced on Saturday Dec 5th and she arrived at 12.38am on Dec 6th 2015.  She weighed a chunky 7"11 oh my! 

Onto another topic - relaxation. As most of you know I can get very flustered in my head and can find it very hard to relax at the best of times, but I have come up with a few 100% effective ways for me to feel relaxed and I wanted to share them with you. 

1) Bubble Bath - my first port of call when I feel stressy or uncomfortable is a nice hot bubble bath. It does wonders and I have recently been using Lavender oil in my bath which not only smells amazing but has an instant calming effect. I bought it from Holland & Barrets just before my due date for around £5. It is also good for healing so is another reason why I came across it. 

2) Reading - To be able to immerse yourself in another world, even if for half an hour, has the complete ability to turn your mood around. I love being able to open my kindle app or a paper back and stick my head in there for a good few hours. A lovely story can be so powerful and extremely fun to get into. I also like reading SOME magazines. Although a lot of the time I don't agree with the way they make us feel we have to be a certain way, I do however, enjoy reading the funny articles and fashion collums. At the moment I have this months issue of Cosmopolitan on my living room table and I have been reading about different hair styles to do with crimpers. It's the little things that keep your mind occupied by happy thoughts that bring you to the state of being relaxed. 

3) Quality Time & Cuddles - The power of a cuddle is unbeatable. Hug your dog, your cat, your partner or your pillow! It's amazing how calm and happy a simple little cuddle can make you feel. Never underestimate the benifits of being close to your loved ones. Enjoy your company and open up to them if you have things playing on your mind, don't bottle things up! Everyone knows that never works and you might be surprised how well equipped your loved ones are to help you! So cuddle away!! :)

4) Dress Cosy - It sounds so obvious but I know from personal experience, I could stay in smart clothes and make up with my hair as perfect as I can get it when I'm feeling like I just want to go to sleep and not worry about messing my face up! Especially after a long day out or a busy one, don't be hesitant to change into your comfy pyjamas or lounging around clothes! Scruff your hair up, put some fluffy socks on and make yourself a hot chocolate! The day is done, now it's time to relax! :) I find my whole body relaxes once I have my pyjamas on, even leggings are a good idea when jeans just don't seem to feel right. Comfy clothes is key to feeling at home as well! 

5) Fresh Air - Probably the most soothing thing in the world is being outdoors in the fresh breeze. Even a cold winters day holds it's magic, I just love the crisp air on my cheeks. Taking Alfred for a walk is one of the most effective ways for me to get my head together again. I love seeing him toddle around sniffing things. I love seeing the nature and the trees, occasionally saying hello to a fellow dog walker too! It is so lovely being in the outdoors after being inside all day. Breathing fresh air is so calming and I can't think of anything else I'd rather do when things get abit too much during the day. Next time you feel pent up get yourself outside and look up at the sky, no matter what time of year it is, the world has ALOT to offer when it's given a chance. Make the most of the outdoors :)

So there are my 5 favourite ways to relax myself. I really hope this helps someone who may be having a tough day or week. Stay smiling! :)

Rosie Lily xoxo